
Explore the Latin American and Latinx studies - culture and society emphasis bachelor's degree program at UW-Eau克莱尔

探索拉丁美洲历史, culture and society with a Latin American and Latinx studies - culture and society emphasis bachelor's degree from the 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校. 这是该地区为数不多的类似项目之一, our unique major is designed for those who are less interested in developing 西班牙语 language skills and more interested in learning about Latin America and Latinx people, 包括美国在内.S. (For those who are interested in developing their 西班牙语 language skills, see our 拉丁美洲和拉丁研究-语言重点专业.) 

通过参与的课程作业, 由支持性教师专家授课, 你会沉浸在拉丁美洲的一切中. A large number of electives allow you to personalize your 教育 and study topics that interest you. Explore classes in art 历史, public health, sustainability, geography and more. This flexibility opens doors to new job possibilities and helps you to find your niche. 

An exciting and key component of this program is that all Latin American and Latinx studies - culture and society emphasis majors are required to participate in a cultural immersion experience, 比如出国留学, 国际实习, 教师主导的国际沉浸式体验, or a domestic immersion experience focused on Latinx/Hispanic communities in the U.S. 在三周或更长时间的过程中, you'll gain a deeper cultural awareness and a better understanding of Latin America and its people — both in the U.S. 和国外. Possible destinations include both 西班牙语- and 英语-speaking countries of the Americas, 比如哥斯达黎加, 波多黎各, 智利, 墨西哥, 阿根廷, 危地马拉, 伯利兹和牙买加.

因为广泛的, 本专业的跨学科性质, students are introduced to an array of subjects and career paths. 为非营利部门的职业生涯做好准备, 教育, 医疗保健, 法律, 新闻, international business or any other field in which knowledge of Latin America and its people abroad or in the U.S. 可以成为一种资产. With a Latin American and Latinx studies - culture and society emphasis degree, 你会发现一个充满机会的世界. 

Why Latin American and Latinx studies - culture and society emphasis at UW-Eau克莱尔?

课程种类. A large number of electives allow you to personalize your 教育 and study topics that interest you. 专注于拉丁美洲和美国.S. 拉丁音乐和舞蹈及其在美国的影响, 拉丁美洲妇女的社会经济现实, 或者美国水资源利用和管理的挑战.S. 在世界范围内.

文化沉浸体验. 几乎覆盖了地球陆地面积的13%, 在拉丁美洲有很多地方要覆盖. 我们鼓励你去探索它. 最近的浸入式体验将学生带到了危地马拉, where they learned about the efforts of a local coffee co-operative to create a model of coffee production that would provide greater earnings and a more sustainable livelihood for local coffee farmers. Students also traveled to 阿根廷 where they examined human rights through the lenses of 历史, 经济和社会正义的努力. 学生们甚至去了波多黎各,在那里, 在当地社区成员的指导下, they contributed to the rebuilding of 波多黎各 after several years of hurricane devastation.

研究的机会. 我主修拉丁美洲和拉丁研究, 你会有各种各样的研究机会, from exploring Latin American and Latinx culture to studying interdisciplinary topics related to Latin America and its people. Our collaborative faculty will do all they can to ensure you get the most out of your 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 教育.

课外学习. 每年, the Latin American and Latinx studies program hosts 拉丁美洲和拉丁研究 (LAS) Week, which includes a number of events related to Latin American and Latinx topics. This is an exciting way to learn even more about Latin American and Latinx people as the week often includes opportunities to hear from renowned speakers, 专家, 艺术家, 教育工作者和学生.


Latin American and Latinx studies - culture and society emphasis program details
  • 课程长度:四年
  • 提供:亲自
  • 校园:欧克莱尔
  • 这个专业需要辅修或证书.
  • Students majoring in this program may choose either a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BS) degree.
  • 拉丁学生协会
  • 西班牙俱乐部
  • σ δ

What can I do with a Latin American and Latinx studies - culture and society emphasis degree from 澳门葡京网赌送彩金?

Latin American and Latinx studies graduates are prepared well for graduate school and a variety of jobs. 鉴于国家和经济日益相互依存, as well as the growth of the Latinx/Hispanic population in the United States, a degree in Latin American and Latinx studies can open doors to nearly any career path.

我们的毕业生继续在医疗保健行业工作, 经济/国际发展, 环保组织, 移民服务, 非营利组织和其他各种领域和行业. Many Blugolds have also received Fulbright awards and fellowships, 使他们有可能在国外教书或进行研究. 

Studying abroad was a truly eye-opening, life-changing experience for me. I was immersed in 成本a Rican culture and the 西班牙语 language, and I learned to think more globally. I was humbled when I came to realize how narrow my thinking had been prior.

Eric Duwe 拉丁美洲研究

Latin American and Latinx studies - culture and society emphasis bachelor’s degree program curriculum

The Latin American and Latinx studies - culture and society emphasis major will provide you with a broad, 牢固的文化基础, 政治, economics and social life of Latin America and Latinx populations in the U.S. 今天和过去. 学生们对该地区及其人民有了了解, 发展 批判性思维技能, and discuss and evaluate broad issues from interdisciplinary perspectives. 

这个专业有时会与其他专业配对, 包括地理, 社会工作, 历史, 化学, 英语, 商务或西班牙语, 为学生提供更多的就业机会. 和平队证书也是可用的.

What classes do Latin American and Latinx studies - culture and society emphasis majors take?


了解更多有关 Latin American and Latinx studies - culture and society emphasis major in the 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 course catalog.


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Thinking about a bachelor’s degree in Latin American and Latinx studies - culture and society? 这里还有一些你可能感兴趣的节目.




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